
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Loose Ends... Vol. XLIV

It's Memorial Day weekend, so I could save Loose Ends for tomorrow night. But, I'll post now beginning by addressing the holiday. The holiday began as a remembrance to Union soldiers in the Civil War and was later expanded to honor all U.S. military casualties regardless of conflict.

I have a great deal of respect for anyone who performs a service or makes a living while putting their life on the line. This goes for military personnel, police and firemen, and even the race car drivers who risk their life for entertainment as we saw today in the Indianapolis 500. It is also sad when the powers that be make decisions which increase the risk. The world is not a perfect place. It is full of fear and hate mixed in with trust and love. All too often the imbalance leads to misunderstanding and violence.

War is inevitable as much as any other ugliness in the world. We can, however, strive to do our best and our part to help avoid the inevitable. It is sad that millions have died in battle. It is even sadder when the purpose of the battle is unknown, misguided, incomplete, or just plain wrong.

We should all respect anyone who is willing to put their life on the line in the name of defending us. That respect does not equate to blind support of all actions taken by our military.


There is a new political party which is in the process of being formed. It is aptly named the Anti-Federalist Party and shares many common themes with the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party, and places important focus on the Rule of Law. Read more about the original anti-federalists here.

[Edit: It appears that the party name is now the American Federationist Party.]

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