
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Loose Ends... Vol. XL

Have you heard about this story yet? Apparently, Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, was coerced by Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke to complete the acquisition of Merrill Lynch despite Lewis's midnight reservations. Instead of performing his duty to inform shareholders that the deal was not as great as originally thought, Lewis kept mum at the alleged behest of Paulson and Bernanke.

Someone here (at least someone) is a criminal. Let's hope between Andrew Cuomo and the SEC that justice is served. This is totally dirty and not at all surprising.


The swine flu has broken out and has already claimed over eighty lives in Mexico. This is a fairly high mortality rate (approximately 2% in Mexico by current estimates). If this spreads quickly with that sort of mortality rate, then we will be seeing a life-changing event. Add that to the current financial crisis and we truly have events of generational proportions unfolding before our eyes.


I don't have a lot else to say tonight. I did a decent amount of outdoor work this weekend which is not my favorite thing to do. I was also able to catch up on my Google Reader (which is a personal accomplishment). This means I'll spend less time reading and more time writing - or, at least that's my goal. I did finish Atlas Shrugged last weekend too. So, that frees up time as well.

Check out some of the blogs I read:
Market Ticker
Naked Capitalism
Mish - Global Economic Trend Analysis
Of Two Minds
Andy Horning - We Declare

There are a few more that I follow. Those will get you started.

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