
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Playoffs?! Playoffs?!

I just caught an alert on C-SPAN that they will be airing coverage tomorrow of the House Energy and Commerce hearing on college football tomorrow. The Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection will hold a hearing titled, "The Bowl Championship Series: Money and Other Issues of Fairness for Publicly Financed Universities."

Are you kidding me?

President Obama has made it clear on multiple occasions that he wants a playoff system to determine the NCAA Division I football champion. Many fans have expressed a similar desire. But, should it really be up to the President or Congress to decide this? I'm a pretty big sports fan, but this seems like a stretch beyond reasonable federal powers.

Now Congress might argue that this falls into their purview because they are Constitutionally required to regulate interstate commerce, or because many universities receive federal funding, or maybe because the NCAA receives special anti-trust and tax treatments.

Whatever the argument may be - even if it is somewhat valid - it sure seems like Congress and the President could spend their time more wisely. Let college football fans, the NCAA and the BCS figure this one out.

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