Well, as you may know if you've been following, I've been traveling. Posts have been thin lately. On top of the travel, I've been getting increasingly frustrated to the point of not knowing what to say. I feel much like I did last September when I posted "The Silence of Anger" (it's not a hall of fame post).
I promise to gather my thoughts and get some more content out here, but at this point I am flabbergasted at the deplorable state of the media.
I've been watching MSNBC off and on this evening and I'm not sure I can even continue to do that. Their entire evening line-up is so woefully in the bag for the Democrats that it's disgusting. This passes for news in our country. It's not just tonight; it's an instance of the straw breaking the camel's back. The discussion of how the "right-wing extremists" are organized by "big money" and "lobbyists" to create a faux-grassroots ("astroturf") movement against the health care reform legislation is beyond hypocritical.
First of all, freedom of speech is supposed to be protected in this country. So, MSNBC has the right to take such a position. However, it borders on fraud to present yourself as a news orgainization or refer to yourselves as journalists in such circumstances. The people who show up to these town halls have every right to say any stupid or idiotic thing that they want to say as well.
Now, for Fox News... the other side of the coin (and go ahead and throw in most "right-wing" radio hosts - certainly Limbaugh and Hannity). Again, these folks are not journalists nor are they a "fair and balanced" news outlet. Yes, they do "balance" MSNBC, but that's a different story. They are nothing but another operator in mediatainment and both of them are for big government (don't believe what Fox News says otherwise).
One last mini-rant: Glen Beck. He's been getting more irritating lately. He's obsessed with ACORN (which is actually relevant given my issue with MSNBC's portrayal of right-wing activists - ACORN does the same thing on the left) and has been straying from his libertarian-leaning and somewhat anti-Republican rhetoric as of late and moving back toward the typical Fox/Hannity/Limbaugh/GOP garbage that he previously leaned towards before his latest book.
Ok. No links... just a rant tonight. I'm still here.
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